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A cGAL-UAS bipartite expression toolkit for Caenorhabditis elegans sensory neurons.
Nava S, Palma W, Wan X, Oh JY, Gharib S, Wang H, Revanna JS, Tan M, Zhang M, Liu J, Chen CH, Lee JS, Perry B, Sternberg PW
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Dec 19;120(51):e2221680120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2221680120. Epub 2023 Dec 14.
PubMed Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
198766pWP018Drives specific expression in the ADE, CEP, and PDE neurons
198767pCC12Drives specific expression in the ADF neurons
198769pWP169Drives specific expression in the ADL neurons
198770pWP004Drives specific expression in the AFD neurons
198771pHW489Drives specific expression in the ALA neurons
198772pDO010Drives specific expression in the ALM, PLM, AVM, PVM neurons
198773pJR032Stabilized step function Opsins ChR2 variant
198774pWP052Drives specific expression in the ALN, PLN neurons
198775pWP061Drives specific expression in the ASE neurons
198776pWP012Drives specific expression in the ASE neurons
198777pWP040Drives specific expression in the ASG neurons
198778pMZ43Drives specific expression in the ASH neurons
198779pMZ41Drives specific expression in the ASH neurons
198780pWP017Drives specific expression in the ASI neurons
198781pCC14Drives specific expression in the ASJ neurons
198782pWP068Drives specific expression in the ASK neurons
198783pCC20Drives specific expression in the ASK neurons
198784pJL065Drives specific expression in the AWA neurons
198785pWP005Drives specific expression in the AWB neurons
198786pMZ9Drives specific expression in the AWC (ON) neurons
198787pMZ10Drives specific expression in the AWC (OFF) neurons
198788pDO068Drives specific expression in the BAG neurons
198789pWP095Co-expression plasmid for the CEP neurons
198790pWP097Co-expression plasmid for the CEP neurons
198791pWP101Co-expression plasmid for the FLP, PVD neurons or the PHC neurons
198792pWP170Co-expression plasmid for the FLP, PVD neurons
198793pWP062Drives specific expression in the IL1 neurons
198794pMZ3Drives specific expression in the IL2 neurons
198795pWP171Co-expression plasmid for the OLL neurons
198796pWP172Co-expression plasmid for the OLL neurons
198797pWP034Drives specific expression in the OLQ neurons
198798pWP022Drives specific expression in the PHA neurons
198799pWP063Co-expression plasmid for the PHB neurons
198800pWP026Co-expression plasmid for the PHB neurons
198801pWP173Co-expression plasmid for the PHC neurons
198802pWP066Drives specific expression in the URB neurons
198803pWP003Drives specific expression in the URX neurons
198804pWP085Drives specific expression in the URY neurons
198805pHW449Direct light-gated cation channel from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that allows neuron deploarization through brief pulses of blue light.
198807pJL046In vivo neuronal inhibition through histamine-gated chloride channel. Neurons expressing HisCl1 transgene are inhibited after addition of histamine.
198808pHW491In vivo blocking of synaptic signaling through Tetanus toxin mediated cleavage of synptobrevin proteins.
198809pJL049In vivo calcium indicator. Presence of calcium (Ca2+) increases reporter signal intensity.
198811pHW539Dominant negative form of Protein Kinase A (PKA). Lowers PKA activity in targeted neurons.
198812pJR015Epidermal growth factor
198813pJR014Natural light-gated anion channels. In vivo inhibition of neurons using blue light.
198814pJR021Variant of yellow fluorescent protein for transient gene expression
198816pHW580In vivo calcium indicator. Presence of calcium (Ca2+) increases reporter signal intensity. Based on GCaMP7, improved SNR, slow kinetics
198818pHW581In vivo calcium indicator. Presence of calcium (Ca2+) increases reporter signal intensity. Based on GCaMP7, improved SNR, fast kinetics
198819pHW582In vivo calcium indicator. Presence of calcium (Ca2+) increases reporter signal intensity. Based on GCaMP7, improved SNR, higher baseline fluorescence
198820pJR022C. elegans optimized version of mScarlet
198821pJR035For tissue specific RNA-seq
198822pJR033Chloride-conducting channelrhodopsin
198823pJR012Nucleolus-transport-enhanced Cre protein. Recombination-mediated gene expression knockout.
198824pJR026Lysosomal associated membrane protein
198825pJR031Stable step function ChR2 variant. Activated by bluelight, terminated by green light.
198828pDO001Inhibition of synaptic vessel release due to disruption of synaptic vessel function by reactive oxygen species production.
198829pJR034Step-Waveform Inhibitory Channelrhodopsin
198831pHW450Voltage-sensitive fluorescent protein.
198832pJR025Actin filament and cell cortex localization.
198833pD002Inhibition of synaptic vessel release due to disruption of synaptic vessel function by reactive oxygen species production.
198834pJR019Inactivation of G protein subunits through Pertussis toxin (PTX)
198835pJR017In vivo blocking of synaptic signaling through Tetanus toxin mediated cleavage of synptobrevin proteins.

Antibodies from Article