BioBrickTM Public Agreement Plasmid Collection
Addgene is working with the BioBricks Foundation (BBF) to distribute plasmids expressing genetically encoded functions that have been contributed separately by members of the scientific research community under the BioBrick TM Public Agreement (BPA).

Donating basic bioengineering knowledge into the public domain using the BPA can help accelerate innovation, collapse timelines, and speed time-to-market of inventive solutions to world problems while fostering ethical use of technology.
The BioBrickTM Public Agreement (BPA) is a free-to-use legal tool that allows individuals, companies, and institutions to make any genetically encoded function that they own or make anew free for others to use.
Once you and/or your company or institution execute the BioBrickTM User Agreement you are free to use all contributed material made via the BPA. Please note that the original materials may be subject to other agreements that may have been executed by your company or institution.
If you obtain one of these plasmids and subsequently create a derivative plasmid, Addgene and the BBF encourage you to make it free for others to use by completing the BioBrickTM Contributor Agreement.
Available Plasmids
Addgene has a number of plasmids covered under the BPA. Browse the full list below or view two of the highlighted collections.
A collection of well characterized bacterial transcription and translation initiation elements. These easy-to-use cassettes enable scientists to predictably drive gene expression over a large range of expression.
A set of permanent amplifying AND, NAND, OR, XOR, NOR, and XNOR gates that can be used to control transcription rates in a variety of organisms.
ID | Plasmid | Description | Vector Type | Backbone | Publication |
Resources & Links
Plasmids in the BIOFAB kit have been described in:
Mutalik, V.K., Guimaraes, J.C., Cambray, G., Lam, C., Christoffersen, M.J., Mai, Q.A., Tran, A.B., Paull, M., Keasling, J.D., Arkin, A.P., Endy, D. Precise and reliable gene expression via standard transcription and translation initiation elements. Nature Methods 2013 10(4), 354-360. PubMed
PMID 23474465
Plasmids for BIL gates and amplifiers have been described in:
Bonnet, J., Yin, P., Ortiz, M.E., Subsoontorn, P., Endy, D. Amplifying genetic logic gates. Science 2013, 340(6132), 599-603. PubMed
PMID 23539178
Other plasmids have been described in:
St-Pierre F, Cui L, Priest DG, Endy D, Dodd IB, Shearwin KE. One-step cloning and chromosomal integration of DNA. ACS Synth Biol. 2013 Sep 20;2(9):537-41. PubMed
PMID 24050148
The BioBricks Foundation (BBF) is a public benefit organization that aims to ensure that the engineering of biology is conducted in an open and ethical manner to benefit all people and the planet.