Plasmid Kits
Addgene's repository contains 151,923 plasmids, which includes 147 kits. To help you find what you're looking for, we've gathered our plasmid kits on one page. We hope you find it helpful!
Fluorescent Proteins
- cpFRET Kit: FRET based biosensors - Pertz
- Chromoprotein kits - Forster
- Fluorescent Protein Fusion Construct Set - Hamdoun
- MoBiFC - Field
- ONE-GO Biosensors Kit - Garcia-Marcos
- Plasmids for Multiplexed Optical Sensors Arrayed in Islands of Cells (MOSAIC) - Cohen
- Plasmid-ID Kit - Poole
- ScEnSor Kit - Olsson
- AID* Kit - Ulrich
- biGBac Kit for Rapid Generation of Baculoviral Expression Constructs - Peters
- Diatom uLoop Assembly Kit - Dupont
- EasyClone 2.0 Yeast Toolkit - Borodina
- EasyClone-MarkerFree Vector Set - Borodina
- EasyCloneYALI Collection - Borodina
- Easy-MISE Toolkit - Branduardi
- EMMA: Extensible Mammalian Modular Assembly Toolkit - Cai
- EXPRESSYALI - Borodina
- Fragmid - Doench
- FNL Combinatorial Cloning Platform - Esposito
- FREQ-Seq Kit for constructing barcoded, locus-specific libraries (Illumina compatible) - Marx
- Fungal Toolkit for Modular Cloning (FTK) - Driessen
- FX cloning System - Dutzler & Geertsma
- Golden GATEway Cloning Kit - Wittbrodt
- GreenGate 2.0 Toolkit - Maizel
- GreenGate Cloning System - Lohmann
- High Complexity Golden Gate Assembly Standards Kit (24 fragment lac cassette) - Cantor
- MetClo DNA Assembly Kit - O'Callaghan
- Mobius Assembly Vector Toolkit - Nakayama
- Multiple Lentiviral Expression System Kit (MuLE) - Frew
- MultiGreen Kit - Parrott
- MultiSite Gateway Kit - Planas & Santalucia
- MXS Chaining Kit - Neveu
- Optogenetic Vector Collections - Janovjak
- pCri Plasmid System - Gomis-Rüth
- pGCS Vector Kit - Du
- pMVP and pMAGIC Cloning Systems - Newgard
- PUF Assembly Kit - Zhao
- Ralstonia-GG-Kit - Lahaye
- Retroviral Barcoding Library - Winslow
- ScEnSor Kit - Olsson
- T2A Split/Link TurboID Kit - Eyckerman
- The Expanded EasyClone-MarkerFree toolkit - Borodina
- 2in1 Plasmid Toolkit - Grefen
- Yarrowia lipolytica Golden Gate tool kit - Rossignol
- Yeast Gateway Kit - Lindquist
- Zebrafish Tol2 Gateway-compatible Kit for Neurodegenerative Disorders - Cole
Genome Engineering
- Barcoded Self-Reporting Transposon Calling Card Collection - Mitra
- C. elegans miniMos Transgenesis Kit - Jorgensen
- dRMCE Plasmid Kit for re-engineering conditional alleles in mESCs - Zeller
- PermaPhos Kit - Mehl
- Phosphoprotein Synthesis Kit - Rinehart & Söll
- pOSIP Plasmid Kit - Endy & Shearwin
- CRIMPkit - Bryson-Richardson
- CRISPaint Kit - Hornung
- CRISPi Kit - Gasser
- CRISPRainbow Multiplex Labeling Kit - Pederson
- CRISPR-Cas9 Gateway System for Physcomitrella patens - Bezanilla
- CRISPRecise Kit - Welker
- GeneWeld Vectors for Targeted Integration Using CRISPR/Cas9 - Essner
- GFP-itis Bacterial Base Editor Activity Kit - Komor
- Markerless Yeast Localization and Overexpression (MyLO) CRISPR-Cas9 Toolkit - Martin
- MoClo CRISPR/Cas Toolkit for Plants - Nekrasov
- Multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 Assembly System Kit - Yamamoto
- NT-CRISPR Plasmid Collection - Becker
- Nuclear Pro-Code Vector Kit - Brown
- pCut Plasmid Toolkit - Mukhopadhyay
- pDGE Dicot Genome Editing Kit - Stuttmann
- Pro-Code Vector Kit - Brown
- SapTrap CRISPR/Cas Toolkit - Jorgensen
- SapTrap-SEC kit for C. elegans genome engineering - Goldstein
- zCas9i cloning kit: MoClo-compatible CRISPR/Cas9 cloning kit with intronized Cas9 - Marillonnet and Stuttmann
- FusX TALEN Assembly System Kit - Ekker
- Golden Gate TALEN and TAL Effector Kit 2.0 - Voytas & Bogdanove
- LIC TAL Effector Assembly Kit - Hornung
- Platinum Gate TALEN Kit - Yamamoto
- REAL Assembly TALEN kit - Joung
- Shen Lab DdCBE assembly kit - Shen
- STAR TALE Assembly Kit - Pollard
- TALEN Accessory Pack - Yamamoto
- TALEN Kit - Ekker
- TALEN Kit - Musunuru & Cowan
- TALE Toolbox - Zhang
Zinc Fingers
Pathways & ORFs
- AdenoBuilder toolkit - Bunz
- Bacillus subtilis Strain Collection - Gross
- Broad Target Accelerator Plasmid Collections- Boehm, Hahn, Meyerson, and Root
- Cell-Free Protein Expression Kit (PEK) - Alexandrov
- Fire Lab C. elegans Vector Kit - Fire
- Hsa21 Gene Expression Set - Reeves
- Human Kinase Domain Constructs Kit - Chodera
- Human Kinase ORF Kit - Hahn & Root
- Integrated Genomics: A Discovery-Based Laboratory Course - Caldwell
- Minimal Antibiotic Resistance Platform (ARP)- Wright
- Myristoylated Kinase Library Kit - Hahn & Zhao
- Open Source Wnt Project Plasmids - Waterman & Wright
- PRESTO-Tango GPCR Kit - Roth
- RAS Clone Collections: RAS and RAS Pathway Constructs- Esposito
- Sabatini & Wood Cancer Pathways ORFs Kit
- TRUPATH - Roth
- Vaccinia Virus ORF Library - Bennink & Yewdell
- Yeast Prototrophy Kit - Ralser
Synthetic Biology
- AspFlex Kit - Godoy-Carter
- BIOFAB plasmid set - Endy
- CEAS (C-SWAT for Essential Allele Strains) Kit - Mitra
- CIDAR MoClo Extension, Volume I - Murray
- CIDAR MoClo Parts Kit - Densmore
- Cultivarium POSSUM Toolkit - Ostrov, Gilbert, Cultivarium
- CyanoGate Kit - McCormick
- EcoFlex MoClo Toolkit for E. coli synthetic biology - Freemont
- GoldenBraid 2.0 Kit - Orzaez
- GoldenPiCS Kit - Gasser, Mattanovich, & Sauer
- Joint Modular Cloning (JMC) Toolkit - Voytas
- Komagataeibacter Tool Kit (KTK) - Ellis
- Marionette Sensor Collection - Voigt
- MoChlo: Modular Cloning Chloroplast Toolbox - Lenaghan
- MoClo Toolkit - Marillonnet
- MoClo Pichia Toolkit - Sieber
- MoClo Plant Parts Kit - Patron
- MoClo Plant Parts II and Infrastructure Kit - Stuttmann
- MoClo Plant Parts III: Transformation & Genome Engineering Kit - Voytas
- MoClo Yeast Secretion and Display (YSD) Toolkit - Young
- MoClo Yeast Toolkit (YTK) - Dueber
- Multiplex Yeast Toolkit (MYT) - Ellis
- openCIDAR MoClo Toolkit - Young
- Start-Stop Assembly Toolkit - Heap
- Sybody Generation Toolbox - Seeger
- The Mammalian Toolkit - El-Samad
- Ubigate Collection - Trujillo
- Ubiquiton Kits - Ulrich
- Yeast GoldenBraid Cloning System and Toolkit - Bernat
- Yeast GPCR-sensor Toolkit - Ellis
- Yeast Secrete and Detect - Marillonnet