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AAV Packaged on Request
We've expanded our viral service to give you more flexibility.
Select from over 3,000 eligible AAV plasmids and we'll make the viral preps you need, backed by Addgene's trusted quality control and dedicated support teams.
About Addgene
For over 20 years, our nonprofit repository has been making it easier to access useful research materials and information.
Deposit your plasmids or contribute data — we'll handle storage, distribution, and record-keeping, helping you to share your discoveries with other scientists.
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Scientists Addgene
Addgene has been an exceptionally useful resource for us, both because they can be trusted to supply our plasmids to other labs efficiently, and because we ourselves are constantly ordering reagents of interest that other labs have deposited. Keep up the good work!
La Jolla Institute for Immunology (La Jolla, CA)
Our optogenetic tools are sweeping throughout neuroscience, helping scientists figure out how the brain works. Without Addgene helping provide these to the world, neuroscience would be moving at a much slower pace.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
Tools of the Day
Depositor: Gregg Beckham
Purpose: Encodes codon optimized putative thermophilic PET hydrolase enzyme for bacterial expression
Viral Prep
Depositor: Marianne Fyhn
Purpose: Ready-to-use AAV Retrograde particles produced from AAV-hSyn-Soma-jGCaMP8m (#169257). Synapsin-driven expression of soma-targeted calcium sensor jGCaMP8m. These AAV were produced with a retrograde serotype, which permits retrograde access to projection neurons. These AAV preparations are suitable purity for injection into animals.
Depositor: Institute for Protein Innovation (IPI)
Purpose: Anti-Glypican 3 (mouse) chimeric recombinant antibody with fused human variable and rabbit constant domains; recognizes mouse and human GPC3. Does not cross-react with other GPCs.