Addgene Testimonials
Take a look at what scientists around the globe have to say about their experiences with Addgene!

“Addgene has been a trusted and prolific source for CRISPR technologies from our lab and 200 other labs. When we needed to distribute codon-recoded E.coli cells (C321), which went beyond the original Addgene mission of plasmids, they were exceptionally accommodating.”
George Church, PhD
Wyss Institute at Harvard University

"We have been deposited plasmids for a long time in Addgene. We hence have a long experience with Addgene service and they have always been amazingly useful both to distribute our plasmids worldwide but also to provide us with plasmids we needed. Thank you for the help provided to the scientific community!!!"
Priscilla Turelli, PhD
"I used to spend a lot of time responding to plasmid requests from all over the world - MTAs, making and packing plasmids, couriers - but Addgene now does it all for me. The submission system is extremely easy and Addgene also serves as a place to advertise our research. It’s given us much broader visibility in the community. Our plasmids are now used in hundreds of labs across the world - that’s real impact!"
Claudia Vickers, PhD
University of Queensland, Australia

“Our optogenetic tools are sweeping throughout neuroscience, helping scientists figure out how the brain works. Without Addgene helping provide these to the world, neuroscience would be moving at a much slower pace.”
Ed Boyden, PhD

"How much of science has been destroyed or permanently misplaced in -80 freezers across the world? Addgene does what a decade ago people would have thought to be impossible, development of an international platform for the rapid sharing and dissemination of scientific reagents at a fraction of the cost of commercial vendors."
Alex Chavez, PhD
Wyss Institute at Harvard University

"Our set of redesigned plasmids made to resist horizontal gene transfer have been shipped by Addgene to labs around the world. On a global scale, it seems Addgene is now the one doing the horizontal gene transfer!"
Tom Ellis, PhD
Imperial College London

“Addgene has been an exceptionally useful resource for us, both because they can be trusted to supply our plasmids to other labs efficiently, and because we ourselves are constantly ordering reagents of interest that other labs have deposited. Keep up the good work!”
Anjana Rao, PhD
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

"Addgene is a force multiplier for biology. Reagents no longer languish in freezers post-publication, they are used, and improved. And it is not just stuff that Addgene distributes that is valuable, but the curation, the organization, and the knowledge base. Want to understand what's going on in biology right now? See what plasmids are hot at Addgene!"
John Doench, PhD
Broad Institute