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Harnessing eukaryotic retroelement proteins for transgene insertion into human safe-harbor loci.

Zhang X, Van Treeck B, Horton CA, McIntyre JJR, Palm SM, Shumate JL, Collins K
Nat Biotechnol. 2024 Feb 20. doi: 10.1038/s41587-024-02137-y. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
203761pcDNA3.1 BoMo N-1FFor expression of N-flag tagged BoMo R2 protein in mammalian cells
203762pcDNA3.1 TaGu N-1FFor expression of N-flag tagged TaGu R2 protein in mammalian cells
203763pcDNA3.1 ZoAl N-1FFor expression of N-flag tagged ZoAl R2 protein in mammalian cells
203767TCARZ-CBh-GFP-SV40PA-GF3-R4A22For production of template RNA for use in PRINT, GFP under CBh promoter
203768TCARZ-CMV-GFP-PAmin-GF3-R4A22For production of template RNA for use in PRINT, GFP under CMV promoter
203769TCARZ-SV40-GFP-PAmin-GF3-R4A22For production of template RNA for use in PRINT, GFP under SV40 promoter
203770TCARZ-CMV-Cherry-PAmin-GF3-R4A22For production of template RNA for use in PRINT, mCherry under CMV promoter
216548pcDNA3.1 ZoAl-ENT N-1F (R1103A)For expression of N-flag tagged ZoAl-ENT R2 protein in mammalian cells

Antibodies from Article