Community Spotlight: Peter Wells
Director of the Technology Transfer Office at The Jackson Laboratory
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PETER WELLS* is the Director of the Technology Transfer Office at The Jackson Laboratory (“Jackson”), an independent, non-profit research institution in the field of mammalian genetics and human health. Jackson has three main areas of operation: research, education and a repository of research mouse models. Jackson manages over 7,000 unique mouse models donated by research institutions worldwide and distributes millions of mice to the research community each year.
Addgene (AG) – What do you see that has changed in the tech transfer world during your career?
Peter Wells (PW) - Collaboration with industry has expanded at all levels–from small business innovation research ("SBIR”) projects with startup companies to major public and private initiatives. I think the NIH focus on translational research is having a significant impact. Our operations have become better organized with specialization and opportunities for education and training.
AG – What do you see as the key issues for the future?
PW - I think the role of the tech transfer professional in local economic development will continue to be important with cities and regions looking for growth in knowledge based industries. Also, we have to be prepared to deal with companies and collaborators in other countries, so anyone with a second language will have an edge.
AG – Any advice for those entering the field or thinking about it?
PW - Try to get an internship at one of the big operations (especially those with a high rate of new company creation), go to the AUTM or BIO meetings and talk to everyone.
AG – What do you do for fun?
PW - We are located on an island off the coast of Maine next to the spectacular Acadia National Park, we just have to step outside to have fun.

*The views expressed above do not necessarily state or reflect the views of The Jackson Laboratory or Addgene, Inc. They were given in Mr. Peter Wells’s capacity as an individual and technology transfer professional.