CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome
Blog Post
June 24, 2020, 5:45 p.m.
...epigenetic modifications across the genome) has been implicated in disease states, and targeting the specific DNA sequences. Non-editing CRISPR applications direct catalytically dead dCas9 fused to a variety...small DNA methyltransferase from the prokaryote Mollicutes spiroplasma (M. Sss1) (termed MQ1.) The
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Klann TS, Black JB, Chellappan
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Lei Y, Zhang X, Su J, Jeong M, ...10.1038/ncomms16026
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Liu XS, Wu H, Ji X, Stelzer Y, Wu.../j.cell.2016.08.056
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Maeder ML, Angstman JF, Richardson...