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Showing: 21 - 33 of 33 results
  1. Zhang Lab's CRISPR Frequently Asked Questions

    ...experiment, consider co-transfecting with GFP. This allows you to sort for GFP-positive cells and to enrich for...system, developed by the Zhang lab, which has comparable efficiency to the optimized chimeric design but...Where are double strand breaks (DSBs) induced, compared to where the target site sequence ( closely homologous the off-target sites are compared to the on-target site, the specific site sequence...
  2. Plan Your Experiment

    ...typically used for gRNA May contain reporter gene (e.g. GFP) to identify and enrich positive cells, or selection...transfer vectors May contain reporter gene (e.g. GFP) or selection marker to identify and enrich template and displays reduced efficiency compared to NHEJ knockout. Base editors can make a limited...our AAV Guide ) ∼4.5 kb packaging limit (only compatible with smaller Cas enzymes) Transient or stable...Cas9 and gRNA Choose a delivery method that is compatible with your experimental system. CRISPR efficiency...
  3. New England Biolabs Cell-Imaging Plasmid Collection

    ...England Biolabs website. For a comprehensive comparison to GFP, please refer to this table. Technology SNAP-tag...internal or surface proteins Single constructs are compatible with multiple applications (different fluorophores...
  4. Antibody Plasmid Collection

    ...find antibody plasmids for: Common antigens such as GFP or mCherry Monoclonals, Nanobodies, Sybodies, or ...peptide, from the popular SunTag system, fused to sfGFP for imaging. Learn more about antibodies and their... and Evolving Functional Proteins. METHODS: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology 8, 94–103 (1995). Carlos...
  5. Fluorescent Protein Guide: FRET

    ...SYFP2 Clover Green Mammalian Expresses Clover (a GFP variant) commonly used with mRuby2 Amber via a 32 amino acid linker mGFP-10-sREACh-N3 Monomeric EGFP attached to super-REACh via a 10 target mTurquoise2 to various subcellular compartments pCEP4CyPet-MAMM Cyan Mammalian Expresses mammalian... Clover pGWF1 Cyan & Yellow Bacterial Gateway-compatible vector to express a gene of interest fused between...
  6. University of Florida Serotype Testing Panel for the Eye and Brain

    ...157970 pTR-UF11 chimeric CMV/Chicken Beta actin (CBA) GFP Control Sergei Zolotukhin Citation Information AAV2...intravitreal injection in mice and marmosets as compared to the AAV2 serotype. The AAV2(Y444F) the retina following subretinal injection as compared to the parental AAV44.9 serotype. It was developed...acknowledge Shannon Boye and cite Boye, et al. 2016. Impact of Heparan Sulfate Binding on Transduction of Retina...
  7. Biosensor AAV Preps

    ...pAAV-CAG-FLEX-Archon1-KGC-EGFP-ER2 CAG Archon1 EGFP Cre dependent 5 Boyden 115892 pAAV-Syn-Archon1-KGC-GFP-ER2 Syn Archon1...Archon1 EGFP Constitutive 8 Boyden 115893 pAAV-Syn-FLEX-rc [Archon1-KGC-GFP-ER2] Syn Archon1 EGFP Cre dependent...Podgorski Calcium Sensor: CaMPARI 100831 pENN.AAV.CAG.Flex.CaMPARI.WPRE.SV40 CAG CaMPARI none Cre dependent ...pAAV_hsyn_NES-his-CaMPARI2-WPRE-SV40 Syn CaMPARI2 his Constitutive 1 Schreiter 101061 pAAV_hsyn_NES-his-CaMPARI2-F391W-WPRE-SV40...dependent 5 Looger 100832 pAAV.hSyn.CaMPARI.WPRE.SV40 Syn CaMPARI none Constitutive 1, 5, 9 Looger 101060 pAAV_hsyn_NES-his-CaMPARI2...F391W-WPRE-SV40 Syn CaMPARI2-F391W his Constitutive 1 Schreiter 101064 pAAV_hsyn_NES-his-CaMPARI2-L398T-WPRE-SV40...HaloCaMP1a 138327 pAAV-synapsin-HaloCaMP1a-EGFP Syn HaloCaMP1a EGFP Constitutive 1, 9 Schreiter Calcium Sensor...
  8. Qi Lab CRISPR Page

    ... pU6-sgGFP-NT1 Human pSico-based U6 vector containing murine U6 promoter and sgRNA targeting GFP (NT1)...pSLQ1658-dCas9-EGFP Human expression vector containing dCas9 that is fused to 2x NLS and EGFP for CRISPR ...targeting endogenous CD71 gene 46919 pMLS-SV40-EGFP Target EGFP gene that is stably integrated into HEK293...complementary region. The uniqueness of CRISPRi, as compared to several recently published works on applying...
  9. CRISPR Guide

    ...fluorescent marker like green fluorescent protein (GFP), creating a customizable DNA or RNA label for fluorescence...nuclease pair for every genomic target. Due to its comparative simplicity and adaptability, CRISPR rapidly meets two conditions: The sequence is unique compared to the rest of the genome The target is present...throughout the genome, called off-targets, that can impact your experiment. There are many online tools available...effects Sniper-Cas9 - less off-target activity; compatible with truncated gRNAs to increase specificity ... offer high efficiency and low indel formation compared to HDR. Prime editing requires more optimization...) includes tnsA , tnsB , tnsC , and tniQ . In comparison, type V-K includes just tnsB , tnsC , and tniQ...
  10. Boxem Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    .... All vectors include the germline expression compatible tbb-2 3’UTR. For both the eft-3 and hsp-16.48...generated variants with and without a C-terminal EGFP fusion. For the sgRNA, vector pMB60 allows in vitro...47944 pMB62 : Expresses C. elegans optimized Cas9::mEGFP from the eft-3 (eef-1A.1) promoter. 47945 pMB63 ...47946 pMB66 : Expresses C. elegans optimized Cas9::mEGFP from the hap-16.48 promoter. 47947 pMB67 : Expresses...
  11. Zebrafish Plasmid Collection

    ...including Myc, HA, Flag, GST and eGFP epitopes. Zebrafish Tol2 Gateway-compatible Kit for Neurodegenerative ...Sauka-Spengler Lab. A genetic binary system for cell- and compartment-specific biotin labeling in zebrafish. pGCS Vector...
  12. Arf GTPase Family

    ...proteins, which also serve effector roles). A compatible GEF, GTPase, and GAP set is referred to as a ...Arap2 116984 1704 GAP Arap3 64411 1544 Mammalian (pEGFP-C2) GAP Acap1 9744 740 Mammalian (pFLAG-CMV2) GAP... 9267 398 Gateway GEF Cyth2 9266 400 Mammalian (pEGFP-C1), Gateway GEF Cyth3 9265 399 Gateway GEF Cyth4...
  13. TALEN Engineering

    ...Human Genes TALENs for the EGFP Reporter Gene Additional Plasmids compatible with the REAL Assembly TALEN...
Showing: 21 - 33 of 33 results