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This is a digital-only collection of vector backbone information compiled by Addgene from third party sources.

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117 Results for: C2

Name Vector Type Resistance Marker Bacterial Resistance Source Sequence Available
pAcGFP1-C2 Unspecified Clontech Yes
pAJC264 Unspecified No
pBlueBac2 Unspecified Invitrogen Yes
pBTac2 Unspecified Boehringer Yes
pC22 Unspecified ATCC No
pC25 Unspecified No
pCRE-MetLuc2-Reporter Luciferase Neomycin Kanamycin Clontech Yes
pDA71 Unspecified ATCC No
pEGFP-C2 Mammalian Expression Neomycin Kanamycin Clontech Yes
pFSC1 Unspecified No
pFSC2 Unspecified No
pGC2 Unspecified No
pGFP-C2 Unspecified Clontech Yes
pGI21 Unspecified No
pGL4.10[luc2] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.11[luc2P] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.12[luc2CP] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.13[luc2/SV40] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.14[luc2/Hygro] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.15[luc2P/Hygro] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.16[luc2CP/Hygro] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.17[luc2/Neo] Luciferase Neomycin Ampicillin Yes
pGL4.18[luc2P/Neo] Luciferase Neomycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.19[luc2CP/Neo] Luciferase Neomycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.20[luc2/Puro] Luciferase Puromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.21[luc2P/Puro] Luciferase Puromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.22[luc2CP/Puro] Luciferase Puromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.23[luc2/minP] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.24[luc2P/minP] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.25[luc2CP/minP] Luciferase Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.26[luc2/minP/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.27[luc2P/minP/Hygro Unspecified Promega Yes
pGL4.27[luc2P/minP/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.28[luc2CP/minP/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.29[luc2P/CRE/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.30[luc2P/NFAT-RE/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.31[luc2P/GAL4UAS/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.32[luc2P/NF-κB-RE/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.33[luc2P/SRE/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pGL4.34[luc2P/SRF-RE/Hygro] Luciferase Hygromycin Ampicillin Promega Yes
pIC19H Unspecified ATCC Yes
pIC19R Unspecified ATCC Yes
pIC20H Unspecified ATCC Yes
pIC20HE Unspecified Yes
pIC20R Unspecified ATCC Yes
pIC26 unc-119 Cheeseman Lab Yes
pIC7 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pICEM19H+ Unspecified ATCC Yes
pICEM19H- Unspecified ATCC Yes
pICEM19R+ Unspecified ATCC Yes
pICEM19R- Unspecified ATCC Yes
pIN-III-C1 Unspecified No
pIN-III-C2 Unspecified No
pIN-III-C3 Unspecified No
pJC20 Unspecified Ampicillin ATCC No
pJOE810 Unspecified No
pKC203 Unspecified ATCC No
pLK54-1 Unspecified No
pLK56-1 Unspecified No
pLK57 Unspecified No
pLK58 Unspecified No
pLK59 Unspecified No
pLuc2 Unspecified Amgen No
pMAL-c2 [tm] Unspecified Yes
pMF517 Unspecified ATCC No
pMF7 Unspecified ATCC No
pMX-EGFP-gw-IP Mammalian Expression, Retroviral Puromycin Ampicillin No
pNC3 Unspecified ATCC No
pNFκB-MetLuc2-Reporter Luciferase, other Neomycin Kanamycin Clontech Yes
pNR9589 Unspecified No
pOK12 Unspecified No
pPLc24 Unspecified ATCC No
pPLc28 Unspecified ATCC No
pPLEX Unspecified ATCC No
pPUC29 Unspecified ATCC No
pRC2 Unspecified Yes
pRC23 Unspecified Yes
pSluc2 Unspecified ATCC No
pSluc2* Unspecified ATCC No
pSM2C Retroviral, RNAi Puromycin Kanamycin and Chloramphenicol Yes
pSMF69MA Unspecified No
pT181 Unspecified Yes
pTF-FC2 Unspecified No
pTZ12 Unspecified Yes
pUC21 Unspecified No
pUC28 Unspecified Yes
pUK21 Unspecified No
pVT63 Unspecified ATCC No
pVT64 Unspecified ATCC No
pVT65 Unspecified ATCC No
pVT66 Unspecified ATCC No
pXP1 Unspecified ATCC No
pXP2 Other, Luciferase Ampicillin ATCC No
pXPB Unspecified ATCC No
pXPBg Unspecified ATCC No
pYAC2 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pYAC3 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pYAC55 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pYC2-E Yeast Expression, Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA3 Ampicillin Invitrogen Yes
pYC2/CT Yeast Expression, Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA3 Ampicillin Invitrogen Yes
pYC2/NT A Yeast Expression, Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA3 Ampicillin Invitrogen Yes
pYC2/NT B Yeast Expression, Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA3 Ampicillin Invitrogen Yes
pYC2/NT C Yeast Expression, Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA3 Ampicillin Invitrogen Yes
pYESHisA Unspecified Invitrogen Yes
pYESHisB Unspecified Invitrogen Yes
pYESHisC Unspecified Invitrogen Yes
YCplac111 Unspecified Yes
YCplac22 Unspecified Yes
YCplac33 Unspecified Yes
YEplac112 Unspecified Yes
YEplac181 Unspecified Yes
YEplac195 Unspecified Yes
YIp1 Unspecified ATCC No
YIp5 Unspecified ATCC Yes
YIplac128 Unspecified Yes
YIplac204 Unspecified Yes
YIplac211 Unspecified Yes

Please add or update information in Vector Database by emailing us at [email protected].

  • Zeocin® is an InvivoGen trademark.