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Description GA binding protein transcription factor subunit alpha
Also known as E4TF1-60, E4TF1A, NFT2, NRF2, NRF2A, RCH04A07
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 2551

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
53890GABPA_pCSdestGABPA (Homo sapiens) Reeves
64253pFETCh_GABPAGABPA Homology Arms (Homo sapiens) Mendenhall
131640GABPA_pet28aGABPA (Homo sapiens) Hollenhorst
176970GABPA_pcDNA6.2/EmGFP-BsdGABPA (Homo sapiens) Reeves
176999GABPA_pLENTI-CAG-IRES-GFPGABPA (Homo sapiens) Reeves