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BiPOLES is an optogenetic tool developed for bidirectional dual-color control of neurons.

Vierock J, Rodriguez-Rozada S, Dieter A, Pieper F, Sims R, Tenedini F, Bergs ACF, Bendifallah I, Zhou F, Zeitzschel N, Ahlbeck J, Augustin S, Sauter K, Papagiakoumou E, Gottschalk A, Soba P, Emiliani V, Engel AK, Hegemann P, Wiegert JS
Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 26;12(1):4527. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24759-5. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
154944hSyn-BiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
154945hSyn-somBiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
154946mDlx-BiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
154948CaMKII-somBiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
154949Ef1a-DIO-BiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
154950hSyn-DIO-BiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
154951hSyn-DIO-somBiPOLES-mCeruleanOptogenetic tool for blue-light inhibition and red-light excitation of neurons
192580hSyn-GtACR2-ChRmine-tandem-eYFPAAV-vector for bidirectional optogenetic manipulation of neurons

Antibodies from Article